1960s Generic Trucks
in 1961 a grille guard was added to the line and was used until 1964. The side mirror was used until 1963.
The 1967 had some fender changes as shown in the photo at top, a wider flange on the back side of fender opening.
Click on IMG to view image of that toy.
5409 Contractor's truck 1960
5436 Self loading auto carrier w/cars 1960
5426 coca cola delivery truck 1961
5462 Hydraulic construction dump truck 1962
5427 Flat tire wrecker w/flasher light 1963
5466 Self loading boat hauler, w/3 boats and outboard motors. 1963
5464 Daytona racing team 1964
5420 Traveling zoo w/animals 1965
5464 Sports car racing team w/corvette cars 1965
5429 Merry-go-round 1966
5477 Wild animal Circus w/animals 1966
5429 Merry-go-round Fender wells were changed in 1967 1967
5438 Rockin giraffe truck 1967
5469 sanitation service 1967
5449 Bandsmen merry-go-round 1969-70
5417 Flashing light police wrecker 1969-70

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