The values stated in this guide are to be used only as a guide. Values are not set to determine prices as auction and dealer values vary greatly and are affected by demand and condition. The author does not assume responsibility for any losses that are the result of consulting this guide.
Steel Lunch boxes
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N/T = no thermos

$41 N/T

$11 N/T
John Deere

Woody woodpecker

$6 N/T
Dennis the menace

Battle kit

$42 N/T
Roy Rogers & Dale Evans

Roy Rogers & Dale Evans

$35 N/T
Dick Tracy

$8 N/T
Snow White

$38 N/T
H.R. Pufnstuf

$2 N/T
Care Bears Cousins

Hopalong Cassidy

$30 N/T
Get Smart

$39 N/T
The Bionic Woman

Secret Agent

$22 N/T
Star Wars

$3 N/T

$14 N/T
Adams Family

$3 N/T
Knight Rider

$14 N/T
GI Joe

$18 N/T

$15 N/T


$12 N/T
Snow White

$12 N/T
Walt Disney World
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