1st block letters impressed 1928 - early 30s

1930s - mid 40s gold and blue

mid to late 30s 1/8 inch high

2nd sticker early 30s to end of production


2nd sticker w/number

number & USA mid 30s till end of production

ink stamp early 30s

2nd sticker early 30s to end of production

mold mark mid 30s to end of production with or without Camark

1st block letters impressed 1928 - early 30s

1st sticker with numbers impressed 1928 - early 30s

2nd sticker with patent sticker

2nd sticker early 30s to end of production

2nd sticker early 30s to end of production with or without number & USA

mid to late 30s 1/8 inch high impressed

mold mark mid 30s to end of production with or without Camark
 X mark used on some Camark
 Number only mid 30s to end of production
 X mark used on some Camark
 1928 thru early 30s impressed 3/16 inchs high
 USa, number and Camark name mid 30s to end of production
 Black/Gold mid 1927 throughout 1928
 1928 thru early 30s impressed 3/16 inchs high