Pieces are valued in mint condition with Kenwood stickers attached if present from Factory.
Marked Kenwood USA w/numbers.
 2100  Globe Vase  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  15-20
 2102  8 inch Vase  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  12-18
 2103  10 inch Vase  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  10-15
 2105  4 inch Jardiniere  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  12-18
 2106  5 inch Jardiniere  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  12-18
 2110  11 inch Oval Bowl  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  15-20
 2112  14 1/2 inch Oval Bowl  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  15-20
 2113  6 3/4 inch Candle Holders  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  20-25
 2114  7 1/2 inch Planting Dish  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  10-12
 2116  8 inch Flowre Bowl  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  12-15
 2117  10 1/2 inch FLower Bowl  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  12-14
 2120  Cigarette box  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  20-25
 2122  Ashtrays  Pink/Charcoal, White/BLack, Chartreuse/Brown  20-25

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