Shawnee Cookie Jars
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Great Northern girl

$150-175 Bank













$ 75-85 Queen


Throughout this website you will come across a lot of reference to fakes and reproductions, this will also be included in the new CD. Shawnee cookie jars have become a haven for fakes and reproductions. The cookie jars especially the pigs have become a big market on Ebay and fakes are hard to spot just by looking a a picture unless you are an expert.

Shawnee made it even harder on the collector by allowing some of the items to be painted and decorated by outside vendors using production items with defects. This accounts for most if not all of the decorated pigs with flowers and different color schemes. Even the gold was placed on the items by outside vendors and then sold to specialty markets.

So what do we look for in a Shawnee pig. Look for the markings on the bottom of the piece. Check out the flower scheme if it has one. Also the color of the clothes has a big impact on the piece. Don't buy if you have the slightless misgivings about the piece. Remember there is a difference between a factory piece and a vendor piece. AND if it looks new then it probably is.
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