FINALLY Finally a normal estate sale. During the past month I have attended several auctions that were to say the least different. They were either over valued or just plain different. I attended one auction in a large town in Central Kentucky I had been wanting to attend for a few years but have been to busy to head in that direction, well been there and done that. I had heard the sales there were a bit higher than normal and now I can report that as a fact. Auctions normally have items that sale for a honest value but here even normal kitchen bowls were going far above retail. So been there done that. This past weekend I took in an estate sale in a small town a few miles away and was surprised. Everything was valued as is should be. The junk and box lots sold as they should as used items. The good stuff or items that really held value sold reasonable. Overall a good auction with a good support crew and a really good auctioneer who knew how to work his crowd and got the most for his work. I normally don't mention the name of the auction company or the names of their employees but Mr. Roger Hicks deserves a shout out for his dedication to his craft. Check him out at auctionzip.com. The grumpy old man.
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