"Blog em"

I could not bring myself to pass this one up. Sex and celebrities is a huge pass time of the american people and the lastest episode is a doozy. Tiger apparently was spending more time in the jungle than he was at home. It seems a man smart enough to make millions of dollar in such a short life time would first have the smarts to kept his side women hide. Second and without a doubt should be first he should have stayed at home. But never let a man think with his head (head). Now for the real reason I couldn't pass this one up. The advertsing money paid to people like tiger woods and the Williams sisters in tennis is really outrageous so maybe they need to try harder at protecting their investments. Morals clauses apparently aren't working, so why not try a few drugs to keep the troops in line. saltpeter for the golf boys and Valium for the girls to hold down the anger. Of course we all know niter doesn't work for sexual desires in men so perhaps it would be best if people like Tiger should sign contracts not to get married until their playing days are over. Just a thought.
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