International R's
1958 found some changes to the grilles and headlights of the International L's. the tires were also changed in 1958 from rubber to all plastic wheels.
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5414 Sand and stone dump truck 1955
5416 Stor-door delivery truck 1955
5502 sand and stone dump truck 1956-57
5506 Super market delivery truck w/accessories 1956-57
5508 Army supply truck w/cover 1956-57
5520 repair-it record service truck w/accssories 1955-57
5524 Front loader hi-lift dump truck 1955
5526 Freight delivery stake truck 1955
5532 Wrigley express truck 1955
5536 Coca Cola Bottling route truck w/6 cases and hand truck 1955-57
5539 Hi-lift scoop n dump truck 1956-57
5543 Rival dog food delivery truck 1956-58
5545 Army search light repair-it truck 1956-57
5566 Cattle transport truck 1956-57
5582 Hydraulic farm supply semi with dumper trailer 1956-58
5586 Farm machinery semi hauler 1956-58
5512 Sand and stone dumper truck 1957-58
5515 army electric searchlight unit 1957-58
5518 Air force supply transport w/cover 1957-58
5530 repair it wrecker towing service 1957-58
5539 Hi-lift scoop n dump truck 1957-58
5542 Hi-way maintenance truck w/trailer 1957-58
5546 Coca Cola route truck w/8 cases and hand truck 1957-58
5560 Army combination set Army supply truck, seaerchlight repair-it truck, artillery piece w/shells, conveyor and 7 soldiers 1956-57
5561 Army commando set. Supply truck, searchlight truck w/artillery piece and shells. W/field hospital tent, stretchers, and 7 soldiers. 1957-58
5512 Sand and stone dump truck 1958-59
5518 Air force supply transport 1958-60
5525 Air force electric searchlight unit 1958-59
5537 electric flasher emergency wrecker, w/ detachable flasher. 1958-60
5547 Air force missle interceptor unit, w/ 2 plastic missles. 1958-59
5552 Hydraulic hi-way dumper w/scraper blade. 1958-59
5558 Red cross ambulance w/medical supplies. 1958-60
5052 Department of parks set hydraulic rear dump truck w/blade, side dump truck, hopper, shovel, and 4 men. 1958-60
5063 Warehouse loading set, stor-door delivery truck w/lumber and barrels, Coca cola truck w/8 cases and 2 hand trucks and conveyor and fork lift. 1958-59
5065 Army interceptor unit set Army supply corps truck, missle launcher truck, tank, jeep, 14 men and a plastic helment. 1958-59
5522 Department of parks Dump truck 1959-60
5526 Boat transport w/boat. 1959-60
5544 Bell telephone truck w/ cable reel trailer. 1959-60
5547 Air Force missle truck 1959-60
5568 Army transport w/tank and trailer. 1959-60
5572 Hydraulic highway dump truck 1959-60
5033 Warehouse set. Delivery truck. Coca cola truck w/8 cases 2 hand trucks, coaster coveyor, 2 barrels, forklift and loading platform. 1959-60
5035 Missle test center. Air force missle truck, Nike launcher, Bomarc launcher w/radar panel, 3 fuel tanks, mobile radar tracking station truck, 5 spring launched missles. 1959-60
5049 Interstate highway set Dump truck, utility truck, GMC 550 landscaping truck, 2 barricaes, 4 cones, 2 oil drums, spade, pickaxe, 3 trees, 4 men. 1959-60

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