Dinky Diecast Toys
The values stated in this guide are to be used only as a guide. Values are not set to determine prices as auction and dealer values vary greatly and are affected by demand and condition. The author does not assume responsibility for any losses that are the result of consulting this guide.

890 Berliet Tank Transporter IMG 35
891 210 Caravelle Airplane IMG 20
893 UNIC Pipe-Line Transporter IMG 75
894 UNIC Boilot Car Transporter 80
896 Willeme Tractor and Trailer 35
897 Willeme Log Lorry IMG 45
898 Berliet Lowloader IMG 60
900 Building Site Gift Set 600
901 Foden 8-WheelTruck IMG 100
902 Foden Flat Truck IMG 100
903 Foden Flat Truck w/Tailboard IMG 125
905 Foden Flat Truck w/Chains IMG 95
908 Mighty Antan w/transformer IMG 200
911 Guy 4-Ton Lorry IMG 75
912 Guy Flat Truck IMG 80
913 Guy Flat Truck w/Tailboard IMG 125
914 AEC Articulated Lorry IMG 45
915 AEC Flat Trailer IMG 40
917 Guy Van, Spratts IMG 100
917 Mercedes Benz Truck & Trailer IMG 125
917 Mercedes Benz Truck &
Trailer, Munsterland
918 Guy Van, Ever Ready IMG 200
919 Guy Van, Golden Shred IMG 250
920 Guy Warrior Van, Heinz IMG 300
921 Bedford Articulated Lorry IMG 85
922 Big Bedford Lorry IMG 65
923 Big Bedford Van, Heinz Baked
Beans can & Heinz 57 Varieties IMG
923 Big Bedford Van, Heinz Ketchup bottle IMG 250
924 Aveling-Barford Dumper IMG 80
925 Leyland Dump Truck IMG 75
930 Bedford Pallet-Jekta Van, Dinky Toys IMG 200
931 Leyland Comet Lorry,
all colors other than bl & brn
931 Leyland Comet Lorry, bl & brn IMG 65
932 Leyland Comet Wagon w/Tailboard IMG 85
933 Leyland Cement Truck IMG 60
934 Leyland Octopus Wagon,
all colors other than bl &. bm IMG
934 Leyland Octopus Wagon, bl & yel IMG 250
936 Leyland 8-Wheel Test Chassis IMG 200
940 Mercedes Benz Truck IMG 90
941 Foden Mobilgas Tanker IMG 95
942 Foden 14 ton Tanker Regent IMG 80
943 Leyland Octopus Tanker, Esso IMG 75
944 Shell-BP Fuel Tanker IMG 100
944 Shell-BP Fuel Tanker, red wheels IMG 100
945 AEC Fuel Tanker, Esso IMG 70
945 AEC Fuel Tanker, Lucas IMG 65
948 Tractor-Trailer, McLean IMG 175
949 Wayne School Bus IMG 150
950 Foden S20 Fuel Tanker, Burmah IMG 65
950 Foden S20 Fuel Tanker, Shell IMG 75
951 Trailer IMG 25
952 Vega Major Luxury Coach IMG 125
953 Continental Touring Coach IMG 125
954 Fire Station IMG 250
954 Vega Major Luxury Coach, no lights IMG 75
955 Fire Engine IMG 80
956 Turntable Fire Escape, Bedford IMG 45
956 Turntable Fire Escape, Berliet IMG 45
957 Fire Services Gift Set IMG 250
958 Snow Plough IMG 175
959 Foden Dump Truck IMG 75
960 Lorry-Mounted Concrete Mixer IMG 100
961 Blaw-Knox Bulldozer IMG 45
961 Vega Major Luxury Coach IMG 75
962 Muir-HillDumper IMG 45
963 Blaw-Knox Heavy Tractor IMG 60
963 Road Grader IMG 55
964 Elevator Loader IMG 40
964 Tank destroyer IMG 45
965 Euclid Rear Dump Truck IMG 60
965 Terex Dump Truck 65
966 Marrel Multi-Bucket Unit IMG 45
967 BBC TV Mobile Control Room IMG 200
967 Muir-Hill Loader & Trencher IMG 35
968 BBC TV Roving Eye Vehicle IMG 45
969 BBC TV Extending Mast Vehicle IMG 60
970 Jones Cantilever Crane IMG 25
971 Coles Mobile Crane IMG 45
972 Coles 20-Ton Lorry, mounted crane, yel & blk 65
972 Coles 20-Ton Lorry, mounted crane, yel &. orange IMG 60
973 Eaton Yale Tractor Shovel IMG 125
973 Goods Yard Crane IMG 75
974 AEC Hoyner Transporter IMG 85
975 Ruston Bucyrus Excavator IMG 45
976 Michigan Tractor Dozer IMG 65
977 Commercial Servicing Platform Vehicle IMG 95
977 Shovel Dozer IMG 60
978 Refuse Wagon IMG 55
979 Racehorse Transporter IMG 300
980 Coles Hydra Truck IMG 100
980 Horse Box, British Railways IMG 175
980 Horse Box Express IMG 225
984 Atlas Digger IMG 85
984 Car Carrier IMG 85
985 Trailer for Car Carrier IMG 85
986 Mighty Antar Low Loader w/Propeller IMG 175
987 ABC TV Control Room IMG 85
988 ABC TV Transmitter Van IMG 100
990 Pullman Car Transporter w/4 Cars IMG 350
991 AEC Tanker, Shell Chemicals IMG 55
992 Avro Vulcan Delta Wing Bomber 105
994 Loading Ramp for 992 IMG 30
997 Caravelle, Air France IMG 75
998 Bristol Britannia Canadian Pacific IMG 160
999 DH Comet Jet IMG 145
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