Dinky Die cast Toys
The values stated in this guide are to be used only as a guide. Values are not set to determine prices as auction and dealer values vary greatly and are affected by demand and condition. The author does not assume responsibility for any losses that are the result of consulting this guide. Values are for mint items in mint original boxes. Lower conditions require percentage values.

Dinky Series

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Matchbox Exclusives 1998

Number Model Body  color Interior Issued Baseplate / details Value
DY014/SA-M Delahaye 145 Light-Green & Dark-Green (stripe & wings) Beige 1998 Black, 1990, China, DY014/SA & Dinky printed / screwed 18
DYM36097 Ford Aeromax "J.Daniel's" Grey & Black Chrome 1998 Chrome & Grey, 1991 & 1996, China, Dinky & DYM36097 printed 20

Matchbox Exclusives 1999

Number Model Body color Interior Issued Baseplate / details Value
DYM-36838 Kenworth "Gulf" Bulk Transporter White, striping in Orange, Red & Blue No 1999 Grey&Silver, 1997, China, DYM36838 & Dinky printed,screwed 10
DYM-36840 Citro뮠2CV 1957 Yellow & Black, Black textured sunshine roof Black, Yellow dashboard 1999 Black, DYM36840 & Dinky printed,screwed 20
DYM-37798 Buick Skylark 1953 Metallic-light Green, White down folded hood White & Metallic light Green 1999 Black, 1991, China, DYM37798 & Dinky printed, screwed 15
DYM-37796 Mack CH600 Tractor Trailer  "the new millennium" Maroon, gold "plated" Black 1999 Black, 1998&1997, China, DYM37796 & Dinky printed, screwed 35

Matchbox Exclusives 2000

Number Model Body color  Interior Issued Baseplate / details Value
DYM-92015 Diamond T Tractor Trailer 1948 "Jack Daniels" Black & White Black 2000 Black, 1998, China, DYM92015 & Dinky printed, screwed 60
DYM-38179 Auburn Speedster 1935 White with Red striping Red 2000 White, 1979, China, DYM38179 & Dinky printed, screwed 20
DYM-92013 VW Beetle 1968             "Mc Donald's" Year of the Big Mac Red, Blue & Yellow, Red folded down hood. Blue, Yellow & Black 2000 Black, 1998, China, DYM92013 & Dinky printed, screwed 25
DYM-92139 Chevrolet Corvette 1957 Metallic-light Blue, removable hard top + white softtop Red 2000 Black, China, Dinky DYM92139 printed, screwed 25
DYM-92127 Peterbilt 359 / trailer with 2 Moko Lesney No 9 & No 26 Blue & yellow Yellow 2000 Black, 1996, China, DYM92127 &Dinky printed, screwed  50

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