Milton Bradley Card and Board Games

The values stated in this guide are to be used only as a guide. Values are not set to determine prices as auction and dealer values vary greatly and are affected by demand and condition. The author does not assume responsibility for any losses that are the result of consulting this guide.




1946 Rickenbacker Ace Game 200
1959 Rifleman Game 70
1968 Road Runner Game 35
1978 Rock the Boat Game 35
1974 Roller Derby 225
1970s SWAT Game 30
1960s Sandlot Slugger 95
1983 Scavenger Hunt 15
1983 Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo 15
1973 Scooby Doo Where are you 55
1985 Scotland Yard 15
1987 Screaming Eagles 25
1973 Sealab 2020 Game 15
1972 Seance 75
1966 Secret Agent Man 70
1950s Sergeant Preston Game 55
1964 Shennigans 55
1986 Shogun 75
1960 Shotgun Slade 75
1966 Siege 75
1978 Simon 30
1978 Skatebirds Game 30
1975 Skirmish 50
1967 Slap Stick 35
1984 Smurf 15
1970 Snoopy & the Red Baron 55
1973 Snoopy Come Home 30
1970s Snuffy Smith Game 40
1973 Solitaire Lucille Ball 15
1966 Son of Hercules Game 100
1960s Soupy Sales Game 150
1975 Space 1999 Game 25
1967 Spiderman The Amazing Game 80
1977 Spiderman w/the Fantastic Four 30
1990 Sporting News Baseroll 30
1959 Spot Cash 25
1986 Spy vs Spy 25
1962 Square Mile 55
1979 Star Trek 65
1977 Starksy and Hutch 25
1975 States Game of 15
1971 Stay Alive 25
1962 Stratego Plastic Pieces 25
1984 Strata Five 25
1961 Stratego Wood Pieces 100
1967 Strategy Poker Fine Edition 20
1982 Stuff Yer Face 35
1965 Sub Attack Game 30
1977 Sub Search 25
1973 Sub Search 30
1961 Summit 65
1976 Sunken Treasure 25
1971 Super Spy 45
1962 Supercar to the Rescue Game 75
1978 Super heroes Card Game 50
1967 Superman and Superboy 100
1981 Superman II 35
1940s Superman Adventures of 385
1977 Superstition 35
1968 Swahili Game 35
1948 Swat Baseball 45
1954 Swayze 40
1970 Sword and Shields 50
1959 Tales of Wells Fargo 100
1975 Tank Battle 45
1984 Tarzan 15
1976 Tarzan to the Rescue 25
1956 Test Driver Game 125
1973 Think-Thunk 35
1958 Three Musketeers 95
1972 Three on a Match 35

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