The values stated in this guide are to be used only as a guide. Values are not set to determine prices as auction and dealer values vary greatly and are affected by demand and condition. The author does not assume responsibility for any losses that are the result of consulting this guide.

Big Little Golden Books

All items in this price guide are valued at Excellent to Near Mint unless otherwise stated.
Values are for 1st edition and 1st state books only

# Title Author/Illustrator Date Value
10250 Bugs Bunny and the Health Hog Teddy Slater/Darrell Baker 1986 3
10252 The Grab Bag Party Betsy Maestro/Giulio Maestro 1986 3
10253 The House That Had Enough P.E. King/Ken O'Brien 1986 3
10254 Little Raccoon Takes Charge Lilian Moore/Deborah Borgo 1986 3
10255 Little Raccoon's Nighttime Adventure Lilian Moore/Deborah Borgo 1986 3
10256 Little Sister Kathleen Daly/Eugenie 1986 3
10257 Old Friends, New Friends Joanne Ryder/Jane Chambless-Rigie 1986 3
10258 The Pandas Take a Vacation Betsy Maestro/Giulio Maestro 1986 3
10259 Peter Pan In Tinker Bell and the Pirates Walt Disney Studios/Walt Disney Studios 1986 3
10260 The Secret Life of Walter Kitty Joan Goodman/Joan Goodman 1986 3
10261 The Sleep-over Visit Jack Dale/Tom Tierney 1986 3
10262 Bialosky and the Big Parade Mystery Justine Korman/Tom Cooke 1986 3
10263 Jumping Jacky Fran Manushkin/Carolyn Bracken 1986 3
10264 King Mitch Had an Itch Jerry Harston/Jerry Harston 1986 3
10265 The Best Nickname Dina Anastasio/Thomas Garcia 1986 3
10266 The Perfect Picnic Betsy Maestro/Giulio Maestro 1986 3
10267 The Red Jacket Mix-up Art Hill/Bruce Lemerise 1986 3
10268 The Right House for Rabbit Susan Saunders/Jody Lee 1986 3
10269 Ordinary Amos and the Amazing Fish Henry Fernandes/Henry Fernandes 1986 3
10270 The Puppy Nobody Wanted Larry Weinberg/Pat Paris 1986 3
10271 Animals in the Woods Joanne Ryder/Lisa Bonforte 1987 3
10272 Dinosaurs Mary Eltring/Gabriele Nenzioni 1987 3
10273 How Come You're so Shy? Leone Castell Andeson/Ellen Dolce 1987 3
10274 Let's Go Fishing Jan Wahl/Bruce Lemerise 1987 3
10275 Book of Knock Knocks and Other Jokes Nancy Hall/Paul Harvey 1987 3
10276 Book of Funny Poems Thea Feldman/Bruce Lemerise 1987 3
10277 Lady Lovely Locks Silkypup's Butteryfly Adventure Jean Lewis/Pat Paris 1987 3
10278 Duck Tales The Road to Riches Walt Disney Studios/Walt Disney Studios 1987 3
10279 The Book of Planets Robert Bell/Tom La Padula 1987 3
10280 Snoopy The World's Greatest Author Justine Korman/Charles Schultz 1988 4
10281 It's How you Play the game Justine Korman/Charles Schultz 1988 4
10282 Garfield The Fussy Cat Norma Simone/Bill Davis 1988 3
10283 Dinosaur Discoveries Robert Bell/Peter Barrett 1988 3
10284 No Stage Fright for Me Stephanie Calmenson/Rose Mary Berlin 1988 3
10285 Be Kind to Animals James Duffy/Evan Lattimer 1988 3
10290 The Animals Merry Christmas Kathryn Jackson/Richard Scarry 1988 3
10291 My Christmas Tree Ann Schweninger/Ann Schweninger 1987 3
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