1895 Hold the Fort 250
1900s House that Jack Built 75
1915 How Silas popped the question 45
1910 I doubt it 50
1890s Improved Geographical game 110
1940 India 25
1903 International automobile race 1100
1886 Ivanhoe 75
1890s Jack and Jill 160
1895 Jack and the bean stalk 160
1901 Jack straws game 30
1928 Japanola 60
1928 Johnny get your gun 60
1890s Johnny's historical game 100
1897 Junior Bicycle Game 125
1923 Journey to Bethlehem 150
1921 Keeping up with the Jone's 110
1890 Kilkenny cats amusing game 225
1890s Klondike Game 575
1926 Knockout Andy 85
1893 Komical Konversation Kards 85
1915 Kriegspiel Junior 75
1928 Lame Duck Game 125
1920s Leaping Lena 200
1890s Letters or Anagrams 60
1894 Limited Mail and Express Game 400
1927 Lindy Flying Game 65
1895 Little Cowboy Game 550
1898 London Game 250
1938 Long Ranger Game 75
1937 Lowell Thomas World Cruise 375
1892 Luck the game of 110
1900s Major League Baseball Game 175
1937 Man Hunt 275
1940s Mexican Pete I got It 45
1905 Mistress Mary Quite Contrary 100
1935 Monopoly 80
1936 Monopoly Junior 40
1913 Napoleon LaJoie Baseball Game 375
1895 Napoleon Game 1100
1910 National American Baseball Game 225
1928 Nip and Tuck Hockey 175
1889 Office Boy 275
1888 Oliver Twist Game 200
1910 Panama Canal Game 425
1914 Parker Brothers Post Office Game 150
1924 Peg Baseball 100
1915 Peg Baseball 200
1923 Peggy 50
1925 Peg'ty 20

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